Saturday, April 11, 2009

Here they are~

Brian Dinnell

Evynn McGhie


Grace Rooker

Our New Babies!

These are our newest family additions. Grace Rooker, Evynn McGhie, and Brian Dinnell. They are all wonderful and we are happy to welcome them into our family! We have spent the last three weekends together and it is wonderfully noisy, and I have learned that I can burp two babies at a time. I sit them both in my lap, facing the same direction, leaning over my arm and pat one baby, then the other, back and forth until the job is done. How about that, who da thunk?

Friday, April 10, 2009

"You wash what in the washer?"

I spent the day with Mom while she "marinated" on Wednesday. After her treatment was over we went to lunch with Jamie and little Daniel, then home to cut Dad's hair. Mom was doing some laundry and asked Jamie, "What could have happened to the other two combs I put in the washer with the towels?" Jamie replied, "You washed combs in the washer?" "Well, it seemed like a good idea, but two of them didn't come out!" was Mom's reply. I couldn't help it and had to come and see what could have happened. After checking all the nooks and crannies of the washer I decided to check the gasket, which is where I often find a spare dime or other such items in my washer. There was a comb...and a sock...and another sock...a third sock....a fourth...the other comb....a fifth and sixth sock.....and.....Dad's remote control! Yes, you read it, a remote control! We laughed and laughed and when we finally calmed down, she asked, "What do you suppose happened to the batteries?" We fell apart!!! Thanks to the makers of that huge gasket space, for the equally huge laugh!