Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blogging.....I think I need lessons!

I think blogging and face booking are wonderful ways to stay in touch, however I am sort of technologically challenged. Recently, I found out I had two different face book pages. I guess I thought I was logging in, and actually made a second page. I tried to cancel one out, but it won't let me, so the best I could do, is ask myself to be my friend. I feel sort of silly right now, but why should I deny myself of such a good friend?
Today I realized that I also have two blogs, one was supposed to have been a post to the other, and instead, it's a whole new blog page. I wonder if those who know how to blog, and face book, think that I have a split personality; I just like to think of myself as an over-achiever.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

You could always just say that the "other" Debbie is your evil twin or alter ego! I am glad you have both a blog and a Facebook profile, I really miss you guys.