Saturday, November 21, 2009

I Know Why God Gives Children To Young People!

I would like to think that I am young at heart. I like to play silly games, squish clay between my fingers, and read funny stories. I've been known to play in mud puddles, ride a bike, and I LOVE a good cartoon now and then....but...

Wednesday night, while visiting my parents, I received a call from my husband, our son's wife was in the hospital awaiting a diagnosis, and he was on emergency babysitting duty.  He was just "wondering" when I would be home. (Interpretation: When are you coming to take my place?)

I arrived at bedtime, baby Grace was already asleep, "Good job, Grandpa!" and little Jackson was just about to say his prayers. After prayers, when Jackson was all tucked in, we waited downstairs for THE CALL.  It came early in the morning, appendicitis, emergency appendectomy!

I was amused at the baby's face when she saw me, instead of Daddy, at her crib rail that morning. She smiled, but then her eyebrows furrowed, as if to say, "Hey, what's going on here? This isn't right."  When I picked her up, she hugged me, and then leaned way over to  peer into her parent's room. I took her to their bed, to see for herself that they were not there, and assured her that I was not "robbing" her, somehow, of her morning nursing. She was ok with it, but still looked a little confused. This was the easy part of my day.

This is a list of the rest of our day's activities:

ten nose wipings
four bottle feedings (nursed baby, need I say more?)
six diaper changes (some not so pleasant)
twelve trips up and down the stairs
one bottom wiping
one kickball game, while holding the baby
made two breakfasts, and two lunches (some while holding baby)
one long basketball game in the playroom (dive-bombing for the ball would be proud of me)
suiting up for the rain  (jackets, boots, hats, gloves)
a two minute walk in the rain, with umbrella  (Jackson was holding it, so guess who's bum was getting wet?)
undressing and hanging rain gear to dry
watch Super Why, Syd the Science Kid, and some dinosaur show on t.v.
playing with remote controlled car
a round of Super Sonny Boy to the rescue! (cape included)
build a block tower
did dishes
wiped up two spills
picked up toys, many times
ten reminders to be soft with the baby
six jumpy, jumpy, jumpies in my lap
four ride-a-horsies
five nap-time songs (after a lengthy bargaining period)
two nap times (them, not me)
made two sippys, and two snacks
a couple of reprimands, but no time-outs
lots of hugs and kisses

To make a long story not so long, (oops, too late). We had a great day, and Rhonda is doing fine, but I have gotten "soft" in retirement!  I think I need a better exercise program!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Now you know why Rhonda's appendix "pooped" out on her...she needed a break! Kudos on living through both of you!